Media Theory Revision Guide
My Revision
Essential Film!
I Daniel Blake
E-One guerilla marketing
Curran and Seaton
I Daniel Blake‘s lack of support from a parent conglomerate owner meant that the film had to utilise an inventive and cost effective range of marketing strategies to promote the film. Instrumental in the promotion were the guerrilla marketing strategies used by E-One one who devised an ingenious grassroots marketing plan to create awareness of the film without recourse to the more conventional use of saturation marketing prior to a film’s release.
E-One orchestrated a street marketing campaign that used graffiti art and outdoor projections to create visibility for the product. Spectators of the street campaign were subsequently guided to retweet pictures using #weareallDanielBlake to create a cost free media flow of awareness for the product via the digital labour of the film’s fans.
The film also created controversy through its support for groups protesting the introduction of the government’s austerity cuts particularly those that drew attention to the so-called ‘bedroom tax’.
The film also created controversy through its deliberate rejection of a London based premiere - opting to launch the film through regional screenings based in the north-east of England.
These unconventional marketing tactics certainly contributed to the success of the film. Moreover, the subsequent success of the film challenges Curran and Seaton’s argument media success can only be orchestrated by major conglomerates.
Hashtag marketing
The use of social media hashtags by producers to channel audience engagement. Appropriation allows audiences to interact with mass media content.
Media terminology used
Guerrilla marketing
Marketing techniques that are unorthodox or unusual, often using street stunts or other live events to construct brand visibility. These strategies are are good for engaging youth interest.
Media flow
Refers to the distribution of professional media products using the digital networks of audiences. Fans, for example, might call attention to a product by 'liking' or 'reposting' content.