Essential Media Theory
Member/subscription data policiy
FAQs and EMTs data handling policy
General privacy policy
This document supplements the EMT general privacy policy link
Membership/subscription terms and conditions
General terms and conditions of EMT membership and subscriptions can be here
Who should I contact in the event that I have a data query connected to the EMT website?
The data compliance ‘processor’ and ‘controller’ for EMT services is Mark Dixon who can be contacted at
What data do we keep for individuals who sign up to an EMT membership?
EMT keeps a record of members' names and email contacts, in addition we also keep a record of whether members wish to receive further marketing materials from EMT. The EMTs membership sign-up service also records whether members are ‘students’, ‘teachers’ or ‘other’ professionals. EMT sign-ups and sign-ins are similarly tracked in terms of date and time.
EMT also records whether ‘student’ members are studying (at their time of sign-up) as year 12 or 13 students. We use this last piece of information to help EMT delete student data when members are no longer studying A levels.
EMT automatically deletes student members from the EMT membership database in December following the normal completion of their year 13 exams. Any associated quiz/flashcard data associated with student accounts will also be automatically deleted at this point. If any students wish to retain this data or continue to have an active membership prior to this automatic deletion point please contact Mark Dixon at
Members identified for removal will also be emailed one month in advance of their deletion to ask if they would like to continue as members
What data do we keep for members who subscribe to EMT revision services?
In addition to the above, the EMT revision service also keeps a record of quiz sessions completed by subscribers. The EMT website automatically records the date of quiz completion, the type of quiz completed as well as the number of answers completed incorrectly or correctly during that session. The EMT website also keeps a record of the date of flashcard revision sessions as well as the type of session completed.
How do we use your quiz/flash revision data?
We use the data to calculate percentage scores for quizzes. Calculated scores are also used to generate ‘badges’.
Does EMT share data connected to the EMT site?
EMT will never share any data recorded via the EMT website unless students have agreed to do so within the remit of the ‘class’ subscription revision service.
What student data is shared via the ‘class’ revision service?
The EMT revision service shares the names of students alongside the quiz/ revision data completed during a student’s ‘class’ enrolment tenure (this includes the dates of quizzes/flashcard revision sessions as well score oriented data.
Student members must agree to the limited nature of this data sharing before a ‘class’ enrolment can be accessed, this mandatory opt-in clearly outlines the sharing of student quiz/flashcard data with any teachers connected to their subscription account. No personal details other than the students’ names are shared with teachers connected to their ‘class’ subscription .
If any class student member wishes to opt out of data sharing after the initial mandatory opt-in they should contact wherein their request will be processed within one month of receiving the request.
Schools managing a ‘class’ revision service can connect up to three teachers members accounts to student data via a secure enrolment code. Distribution of that code is placed under the control of the ‘lead’ teacher who manages the school’s EMT Class membership subscription. Only members of the EMT site can become teacher ‘class’ managers. Enrolment codes for students and teachers are kept separate to maintain data privacy. Enrolment codes are emailed to the admin/lead teacher connected to the site as a further security measure.
Teacher ‘class’ managers are also given the ability to delete student quiz/flash card data connected to the student subscription accounts connected to their enrolment codes via the ‘My Class’ tab of the website.
Teacher accounts linked to class membership subscriptions can be deleted upon request via email to:
The EMT terms and conditions documentation clearly outline the data handling reach of the EMT services. Terms and conditions documentation must be read before members can access the EMT revision subscription service.
How can members see, delete or change the data EMT holds?
Members can access and change their membership details via the ‘My Account’ option in the members tab. This tab also contains a link to EMT data handling policy.
‘Revision’ subscription users can access flashcard/quiz data associated with their account via the ‘My Revision’ tab.
Any data held by The EMT website can be deleted or amended by contacting Mark Dixon at Data changes will be actioned within one month of any request.
How long does EMT keep stored membership data for?
All revision services subscription data will be subject to deletion one month after ‘revision’ subscriptions have lapsed, with data removed on a yearly basis in the December following any lapsed subscriptions.
Student members will also be automatically removed from the EMT database in the December following the normal completion of their A level study. Members will be notified one month in advance of this deletion point, with an option to maintain their membership if requested.
‘Other’/’teacher’ members will only be removed from the EMT membership database if they are ‘inactive’. ‘Inactive’ members are those who haven’t signed into their accounts during an 18 month period. All quiz/revision data associated with ‘inactive’ accounts will also be deleted at this point. Removal of members takes place annually in December. ‘Inactive’ members will be contacted one prior to their deletion with an option to extend their membership.
What does EMT do to maintain the security of data it holds?
Data is never reproduced in a physical form. Access to all member data is password protected.
Our company is hosted on the platform. provides us with the online platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you. Your data may be stored through’s data storage, databases and the general applications. They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall.
All direct payment gateways offered by and used by our company adhere to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of brands like Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of credit card information by our store and its service providers.
What rights do I have with regard to the data held by EMT?
You have the following rights with regard to the data held by EMT
○ The right to be informed – being told what data EMT hold about you and what EMT do with it.
○ The right of access – being able to request a copy of any data held.
○ The right to rectification – being able to have inaccurate data corrected.
○ The right to erasure – being able to ask to delete/destroy data held by EMT.
○ The right to restrict processing – being able to limit the amount or type of data used.
○ The right to data portability – requesting to move your data electronically to another business.
○ The right to object – being able to request EMT to stop using your data.
Please get in touch with us if you would like to action your rights with regard to the data held by EMT at