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media audiences



Gerbner’s research focused on screen depictions of violence and the attitudinal changes that could be induced as a result of watching television conflict.


The conclusions that Gerbner formed in response to that research were profound in their suggestion that television viewing could radically change the way we, collectively, perceive the real world.


Fear cultivation by the media

Develops an understanding of core cultivation theory concepts.


Mainstream media ideologies

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compare it

16.6 Gerbner versus Hall

Compare the application of Hall's reception theory to Gerbner.


Fear cultivation by the media

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apply it

16.2 Violence effects in set texts

Analysis sheet to help students explores the impact of violent content.


Mainstream media ideologies

Examines how advertising cultivates mainstream content.

apply it

16.5 Apply cultivation theory

Analysis sheet that applies cultivation theory to set texts.

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"...a truly insightful book which addresses important changes in today’s media landscape"


Sonia Livingstone: LSE

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